TL:DR: In dating apps and on big job boards, algorithms produce roadmaps but not automatic connections. The core of recruiting is...
You're preparing to attend your next recruiting fair. Great! This is an opportunity to meet face-to-face with potential...
Kevin W. Grossman, host of the CandE Shop Talk podcast, recently welcomed Dale Stelter, Director of Business Development at...
Tags: virtual recruiting, Virtual job fair platform, Recruiting events solutions,
So how do you catch the attention of a potential employer and earn an interview if it’s your first recruiting event? In short:...
Tags: Career Fair, Recruiting Fair, Recruiting,
Long lines at in-person recruiting events frustrate candidates and employers. And fewer interactions between job seekers and...
Tags: Career Fair, Skip The Line, Recruiting,
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Tags: Career Fair, Hosting, job fair,
Sometime between 341 - 270 BCE, the ancient Greek philosopher and sage Epicurus advised, “Be moderate in order to taste the joys...
Tags: Virtual job fair platform, Recruiting events solutions, online job fair software,
If you’re a certain age, a Beach Boys song is probably playing in your head now. But if you can’t hear the music, that’s OK--here...
Tags: Career Fair, Hosting, career fair planning,