Since it’s recruiting season, let’s talk about college- or university-based career services teams using recruiting software to...
Tags: online career fair, recruiting events, virtual recruiting,
Dale Stelter, Career Fair Plus Director of Business Development, spends 20+ hours a week with university- and college-based...
Tags: Attending Career Fairs, Career Fair Plus, Virtual Fair,
You're preparing to attend your next recruiting fair. Great! This is an opportunity to meet face-to-face with potential...
Kevin W. Grossman, host of the CandE Shop Talk podcast, recently welcomed Dale Stelter, Director of Business Development at...
Tags: virtual recruiting, Virtual job fair platform, Recruiting events solutions,
So how do you catch the attention of a potential employer and earn an interview if it’s your first recruiting event? In short:...
Tags: Career Fair, Recruiting Fair, Recruiting,
Long lines at in-person recruiting events frustrate candidates and employers. And fewer interactions between job seekers and...
Tags: Career Fair, Skip The Line, Recruiting,
A decade ago a small technology startup reimagined in-person career fair best practices to facilitate more meaningful...
Tags: job fair, Career Fair Plus, career services,
Sometime between 341 - 270 BCE, the ancient Greek philosopher and sage Epicurus advised, “Be moderate in order to taste the joys...
Tags: Virtual job fair platform, Recruiting events solutions, online job fair software,
If you’re a certain age, a Beach Boys song is probably playing in your head now. But if you can’t hear the music, that’s OK--here...
Tags: Career Fair, Hosting, career fair planning,
According to a recent article in The Atlantic, today's college students are highly career-minded. At the same time, American...
Tags: job fair, Career Fair Plus, career services,