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Skip the Lines at In-person Recruiting Events with Meetings

By Career Fair Plus


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Long lines at in-person recruiting events frustrate candidates and employers. And fewer interactions between job seekers and recruiters negatively affect participants’ experience and your ROI. Don’t risk losing their goodwill or next year’s registration revenue. Host your event with enterprise recruiting software smart enough to “skip the line.”  

Then and now

The original Career Fair Plus (CF+) Skip The LineTM solution transformed in-person events. Suddenly candidates could avoid long wait times by pre-scheduling 1-on-1 meetings with employers. In addition, recruiters gained control over their time by customizing their availability throughout the event while hosts collected previously unavailable event analytics. 

Fast forward several years, and Skip The LineTM, now known as Meetings, brings the efficiency of virtual hiring events on-site. As an HR recruitment solution, Meetings delivers for candidates, employers, and event hosts by organizing 1-on-1 and group meetings.


Now taking reservations 

When you add Meetings to your in-person recruiting programs as the event host, you set default start and stop times and meeting durations. You can even build in fixed break periods. This prevents candidates from stacking back-to-back meetings and ensures walking time to their next meeting. Recruiters appreciate these few minutes to add meeting notes to candidate profiles inside the CF+ software. Of course, recruiters can customize their personal schedules, including changing the duration of each 1-on-1 meeting, group meetings, and/or break times. 

Candidates start reserving their meetings as soon as the event “opens” and recruiters publish their schedules in the CF+ platform. Encourage your candidates to book as early as possible to secure their preferred times with their target employers. Equally important, when they reserve a meeting time on a recruiter’s schedule, they’re simultaneously granting that recruiter access to the candidate’s profile and resume in the CF+ software!


Groups are good for candidate-employer connections, too

Company representatives can also publish group schedules to promote broader conversations like information sessions, panel discussions, or Q&A periods. Depending on meeting room capacity, these might be open sessions where students “sign up” but flow in and out as interested. Or recruiters can limit the number of attendees for each program. Either way, your employers can use Meetings to facilitate better organization in both situations.

And remember, recruiters can view profiles and resumes of anyone who books on their schedules. Meetings facilitates pre- and post-event connections, too. 


Pro Tip: Get high-value, ROI on-site insights with Check-in & Analytics and Resume Drop


Fans are raving!

Candidates give us all-cap “THANK YOUs” on event surveys for Meetings. Granted, the credit really goes to the event host who enabled it for their recruiting program. Still, we appreciate hearing from happy candidates anytime. They share feeling more confident and successful because they spent less time waiting in line and more time engaging with potential employers.

Employers and recruiters cheer the efficiency. Attending career fairs or hiring events is time-consuming. Offering Meetings optimizes their planning and event day activities. It also gives them a head start previewing interested candidates. 

And finally, event hosts gain valuable insights into which students met which recruiters and whether or not any students “no-showed” for their reserved meeting times. Meetings also increase potential candidate-employer interactions for those who do not book in advance since lines are typically shorter. 


Tell us about your recruiting challenges, and we’ll introduce you to the specific CF+ solutions and functionality missing in your current software.

Tags: Career Fair, Skip The Line, Recruiting, Virtual job fair platform, Recruiting events solutions, online job fair software, HR recruitment software for enterprise, Virtual hiring event solutions, Online career fair platform, alumni online recruiting events, software

Your Portable Guide to Hosting Virtual Recruiting Events

Your new eBook goes beyond defining virtual career fairs to reveal:

  • Who hosts virtual career events by industry and type of program.
  • Why virtual recruiting events are advantageous.
  • How to plan a stress-free virtual career fair or recruiting event.
