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An Expert (and fun) Page About Career Fairs & Recruiting Events

Everything you always wanted to know but didn’t know whom to ask!

What You’re Missing if You’re Not Using Career Forge | ERM

You’re busy, so here are the answers you clicked over for…

By Career Fair Plus • August 29, 2023

Tags: career services, customizable platform, software,

A Resume Round-up Goes High-Tech

1 Resume Round-Up + 1 Resume Drop Feature = 659 Successes. Students Got Noticed * Employers Received Resumes * No one left their...

By Career Fair Plus • July 17, 2023

Tags: career services, career planning, networking,

How do I Build Long-Term Employer Relationships and Partnerships (Without Repeating the Same Old Same Old)?

Career services teams need solid, enduring employer relationships. These connections play a huge role in helping students land...

By Dale Stelter • May 30, 2023

Tags: career services, careers, employer relations,

How the Technology Adoption Curve Can Positively Impact Your Employer Relationship Management

Are you one of the hundreds of people lined up to buy The First anything or the last in your circle to use a technology everyone...

By Career Fair Plus • May 15, 2023

Tags: career services, Recruiting, employer relations,

Your Portable Guide to Hosting Virtual Recruiting Events

Your new eBook goes beyond defining virtual career fairs to reveal:

  • Who hosts virtual career events by industry and type of program
  • Why virtual recruiting events are advantageous
  • How to plan a stress-free virtual career fair or recruiting event
