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Improve Career Fair Efficiency with Skip The Line

By Career Fair Plus

Improve Career Fair Efficiency with Skip The LineIn career services, one of the most common complaints about career fairs is the time wasted standing in line. Students spend weeks preparing for this event and often do not get to speak to many employers, or even visit all of the booths because they spend too much time waiting in line to speak to recruiters. Luckily, Skip The Line from Career Fair Plus is the perfect solution to solve this problem.

Increase student satisfaction

In the weeks leading up to a career fair, students are pressed with preparing a resume, elevator pitch, professional outfit, and researching employers. In the midst of all this career fair preparation, students are not always thinking how to make the most efficient use of their time at the fair.

It can be disruptive and stressful for students attending a career fair when they encounter lines and realize they have to wait to speak to recruiters. Immediately, students begin to worry whether or not they have time to meet with all employers they are interested in. To help students avoid this obstacle, your career services team needs to ‘Skip The Line.’

What is Skip The Line?

Designed to help students, employers, and career services teams, Skip The Line is a feature from Career Fair Plus which allows students to book appointments with employers. Prior to the career fair, employers who opt in to Skip The Line establish appointment time slots to meet with students. Through the Career Fair Plus app, students are able to reserve a time to meet and talk with specific employers without having to wait in line first. Instead, they arrive at the booth at their appointment time and avoid the queue completely.

In addition to these convenient appointment times, students are able to create a student profile and upload their resume. With their student profile built, employers are able to pull up their information quickly. Through the application, employers have easy access to a student’s profile to learn more about them before the meeting. This allows them to take notes while speaking with them and to find contact information if they are interested in following up after the career fair.

Students love Skip The Line

Since the launch of Skip The Line, students who have used this feature have been asked to leave their feedback. Students expressed their satisfaction with this feature and how it would have been even more beneficial if more employers at the career fair had opted in to use it.

Students aren’t the only ones loving Skip The Line! When asked for feedback, employers were also delighted with their experiences. A recruiter from Embraer, an executive jet company, said, “Skip The Line doesn't just save time, it enhances the quality of conversations. Before even shaking hands, I already knew their major, graduation date, work authorization, and much more. Having the resume in front of me prior to meeting with students allowed me to have questions prepared ahead of time. If I had a choice to use the Skip The Line feature at all of the career fairs I attend, I wouldn't hesitate to sign up for it every time. The conversations I had with students weren't rushed like they are when you have a long line of students waiting for their chance to make a first impression.”

Get better feedback after career fairs with convenient features like Skip The Line from Career Fair Plus.

 When to schedule your career fair

Tags: Skip The Line, Career Fair Plus

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  • Who hosts virtual career events by industry and type of program.
  • Why virtual recruiting events are advantageous.
  • How to plan a stress-free virtual career fair or recruiting event.
