With any software purchase, cost is always a concern and Career Fair Plus is no different. We understand that Career Services Offices (CSOs) and other fair organizers don’t have unlimited budget. We start by pricing our service fairly and we strive to provide a tremendous amount of value. At the same time, we have built our costs and features in a way that allows many of our customers to see zero cost for using Career Fair Plus. Below are some ideas that may help you.
- Pass The Cost On To Employers in Registration Fees. Our premium service has a per employer cost and nearly all of the events we support charge employers. The simplest way to cover the cost of Career Fair Plus is to increase your registration fee to employers. You may have 1 or 2 employers that will notice a $25 increase in the registration fee, but we are confident that 95% of your employers will not think twice about an extra $25 to attend your event. Most employers spend well over 100X that between travel, accommodation, and lost time at work.
- Sell Featured Employer Spots. A featured employer in Career Fair Plus gets 2 big advantages. First, they have a chance at being at the top of the employer list in the app giving them greater visibility to attendees. Second, featured employers have the chance for their logo to appear when the app is launched helping to build brand awareness and recognition. Featured employer spots in the app often sell for $500-$1000 a piece. A couple of those go a long way towards covering the cost of Career Fair Plus
- Sell Banner Ads. Another great way of increasing visibility for employers in the list is a Banner Ad. It can be any image they or you like as long as it fits into our size configuration. Banner Ads really make the employer pop out of the list by providing highlighting and a splash of color. Banner Ads often sell for $300-$500 each.
- Sell Employer Videos. We can now host and stream videos on the employer details page in the app. For those employers that are struggling to get their recruiting videos in front of students, this can be very valuable. See our blog post on Generating Revenue with Employer Videos here to read more.
Using a combination of these methods, it is entirely possible for a fair to generate positive revenue with Career Fair Plus. If you have questions about these concepts and would like to set up a call, please just reach out!