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Virtual Career Fairs: 6 Benefits for Recruiters and Employers

By Career Fair Plus

Before virtual career fairs were standard practice, candidates and recruiters gathered in person. Certainly, on-site recruiting continues, but the benefits of connecting online are significant. Access to larger talent pools, time efficiency, and considerable cost savings are just three of six advantages driving ongoing interest in virtual recruiting.


More applicants at your fingertips — literally

The open and flexible access of virtual career fairs creates a larger applicant pool than what employers often find at in-person events because

1.) Candidates can participate from anywhere in the world

2.) Physical spaces have maximum occupancies based on local fire codes or institutional crowd-control guidelines 

3.) Event hosts can accommodate unlimited attendees depending on the software

After years of learning, shopping, exercising, and even cooking over the internet, our confidence in online interactions is strong. Virtual career fairs capitalize on our comfort level--and familiarity with our keyboards--to facilitate candidate-employer meetings efficiently and smoothly.

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Smarter use of your time

Instead of managing the myriad of advance and day-of logistics associated with an on-site recruiting event, virtual programs reduce hosting responsibilities to primarily selecting the digital platform and promoting the event. Sure, you might have required organizational processes to follow but organizing an online recruiting event is simple with the right partners. A robust platform (hint: Career Fair Plus!) has multiple time-saving advantages for the event organizer and participating recruiters, so let’s focus on three:


Employer organizational profiles customized for the applicant pool

Companies can use hosting software to capture candidates’ attention before the event by

  • Showcasing company marketing assets or informative videos not easily discovered on your website
  • Highlighting FAQs customized to open positions or your recruiting process

Reviewing this richer, more specific profile before the event instead of reading a brochure or pop-up banner waiting in line at your table, helps students better prepare to meet you. And better-informed applicants generate more productive conversations. 


Pre-set schedules eliminate surprises

Depending on the virtual career platform, employers can do anything from setting a general schedule to establishing different types of meetings for varying durations. As a result, recruiters staffing the event know exactly how to plan their day, and applicants know the time limits of their 1:1 or group meetings. 


Candidate follow-up is a breeze

Employers can easily access profile data, including resumes and supplemental materials such as publications or awards. 


Virtual recruiting events save money

Event hosts have lower overhead costs, and non-local recruiters have zero travel expenses. Using digital downloads instead of printed materials adds to the savings. Finally, group meetings and information sessions reduce per capita recruiting costs.


A set-up process that makes you ask, “That’s it?”

Whatever type of recruiting event you're hosting (by the way, we have some great ideas), you and your participants deserve an easy registration. And, by easy we mean

  1. Complete an online registration form with targeted information about your company
  2. Click personalized links to join the event

No more packing and shipping branded tablecloths and banners. No more anxiety about printing deadlines for swag or company literature. And therefore, no wasted time or money guessing quantities! All attendees can view whatever promotional materials you upload at registration. Then, when the event ends, instead of collecting leftover items and breaking down an exhibit, simply log out.


Genuine, relaxed conversations

Remember a few minutes ago talking about our confidence and comfort with online interactions? And you know how easily candidates’ nerves can turn a table chat into awkward, or even excruciating, silence, right?

Now you know why virtual recruiting events create more positive and authentic connections. First, the ability of candidates to research a company in advance enhances the quality of conversation. In addition, recruiters have access to the profile and resume during the conversation, which facilitates the alignment of career interests with the organization’s personnel needs. And with Resume Drop, candidates can express interest in certain companies or even specific jobs before, during, and after the event. 

Let’s face it, recruiting is hard work, and day-long events can be particularly exhausting. Thanks to the advantages described above, employers and recruiters log in relaxed and ready to engage.

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Fill your candidate pipeline

A well-managed candidate pipeline is a strong defense against fluctuating and unpredictable hiring demands. It takes nurturing, but virtual career fairs promise direct access to new relationships potentially worth cultivating. The one-on-one or group meetings match faces to names, and Resume Drop means no more shuffling printed cover letters and/or resumes. 

Downloading resumes from the online profiles prepares you for future reviews, and the 1-on-1 or group meetings help you put a face to the name later. 

Go virtual; your newest employees are waiting, but how and with whom you host a virtual career fair matters, too. Choose the right digital partner (hint: Career Fair Plus) with a robust platform to increase the candidate pool, save time and money, simplify the registration process, and make meaningful connections to fill current openings or your candidate pipeline.

Optimize CF+ software flexibility and unique features to hit all your recruiting goals during your next event. Connect with a no-pressure CF+ team member or scroll around our virtual, hybrid, and in-person pages at your convenience. You’ll find practical, fun blog articles and free eBooks, too!


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Tags: Career Fair, Recruiting Fair, Technology, Recruiting, Virtual Fair, Virtual Job Fair, Virtual Career Fair, "Virtual Job", Video Interview, careers, interview, digital career fair, online career fair, job search, networking, virtual hiring, talent acquisition

Your Portable Guide to Hosting Virtual Recruiting Events

Your new eBook goes beyond defining virtual career fairs to reveal:

  • Who hosts virtual career events by industry and type of program.
  • Why virtual recruiting events are advantageous.
  • How to plan a stress-free virtual career fair or recruiting event.
