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Career Fair Promotion: Yes, Even You Can Be On TV

By Career Fair Plus

Career Fair Promotion Yes Even You Can Be On TVAs you plan your promotion of the next career fair, for your career services department, you are likely thinking about the ways available to get your message out. In our modern world, there are more and more ways to advertise. Our first instinct is to post on social media or send out an email blast - but what happened to traditional career fair promotion? While you create your Facebook events and craft compelling Instagram posts, keep in mind old-school methods, such as fliers, radio ads, and television spots.

Advertising on television is a fantastic method for career fair promotion. This medium allows for your message to be spread far and wide. Raising awareness for a career fair this way can increase attendance and overall success of the fair.

How To Get on TV for Career Fair Promotion

While your career fair budget may be too tight for a 30 or 60-second television spot, you don’t have to miss out on using this highly visible promotion method. Instead, contact your local news station! Local news stations often have segments that feature community events or career opportunities for people to take advantage of and visit.

Start by getting in touch with these stations, inquire about their community spotlight segments, and pitch the career fair event. Call each station and ask for the name of the show’s producer — these folks are the decision-makers. Ask whether the producer prefers guest pitches by email or phone, asking for their direct contact information.

When making your pitch, make sure it is relevant, timely, topical, and enthusiastic. Once they agree to having you, or a representative, appear on TV, it’s time to prepare.

Acing Career Fair Promotion on TV

While you wait for your time on the small screen, make sure you are well-prepared.

Be prepared by:

  • Supplying information, graphics, or videos to the producer at least two days prior to the appearance
  • Review important information to highlight while speaking
  • Memorize the address, date, and time of your event
  • Prepare notes as a backup

Don’t forget to promote your scheduled appearance on a particular program using other mediums! Make use of digital advertising methods; take to social media and let your audience know that your career services department will be making an appearance on television.

After a successful career fair promotion, make sure to thank the host both on and off the air for the opportunity to talk about your event.

Bringing Television to Your Career Fair

Consider having the local media come out to cover your event as a follow-up. News coverage of the career fair in the morning, can increase attendance for the rest of the day and the days to follow. This footage can also be used for future career fair promotion.

If the local media has agreed to come out to your event, make sure someone from your department is ready for an interview. Speak about the event details such as when and where the event takes place, as well as, registration steps attendees need to follow for participation.

Looking for more ways to promote an upcoming career fair? Career Fair Plus has materials to help!

When to schedule your career fair

Tags: Career Fair, Hosting, Promotion

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  • Who hosts virtual career events by industry and type of program.
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