Remember that $100 Amazon gift card we offered in December to someone who shared their story about a great recruiting win? We read some exhilarating–and funny–submissions about the hard work of connecting employers and candidates.
Thank you to everyone who shared their rewarding stories; now it’s your turn to read our three favorites.

Recruiting in the animal kingdom
Granted, recruiting sometimes feels like navigating a jungle, but when was the last time you had to find the right animal for the job? Wait, maybe don’t answer that and read Seema F.’s story instead.
Working from home creates flexibility, and Seema apparently takes that literally by breaking up her day with yoga. Unfortunately, her very young “co-workers” (aka children) interrupt so often Seema realized some recruiter’s magic might give her an hour or so to recharge.
First, she set a goal: find the perfect candidate to amuse three boys under eight for approximately 60 minutes. Second, implement a targeted search. Third, confirm the skill set matches the job requirements.
We are thrilled to tell you Seema’s well-organized recruiting effort succeeded: the new lizard entertained everyone for exactly one yoga session! Yep, we’re definitely calling that a recruiting win!
Technology delivers the human factor
Having talked with an impressive undergraduate student, Nick B. recognized the excellent fit between this person and the employer. The candidate’s initiative to identify and learn competitive skills before posting his first college GPA stood out. And he made a bigger impression by booking a one-on-one meeting to follow up with Nick during a career fair.
Thanks to the CF+ software, Nick easily shared the student’s information with a co-worker looking for an intern. As a result, the candidate received an offer two weeks later for a much sought-after summer internship.
Definitely a win-win for Nick, the student, and the company, but that’s not what makes this a winning recruiting story.
Weeks later, Nick unexpectedly saw the student at a holiday fair in a historic downtown. He introduced himself immediately, and, as Nick shared, the candidate was overjoyed to finally meet Nick in person.
When technology facilitates the human connections, that’s a meaningful recruiting win.
Wait, that’s a thing?
Leah C. recruits for accounting internships, often searching online for candidates. When she discovered an undergraduate double-majoring in accounting and sports management, she stopped scrolling to “read more.”
One of her accounting firm clients with a growing professional sports customer base served many National Hockey League (NHL) players. Leah’s cold call caught the student off guard. She had no idea about this niche accounting area or how well her academic path aligned with the firm’s internship program.
As Leah told us, it was win-win-win because she filled the position, the student has a dream career opportunity she never knew existed, and the client has a new intern ready to crush her assignments!
And the winner is…
Congratulations, Nick B., thanks for sharing your story. Here’s to an exciting spring 2022 recruiting season. The delightful CF+ team is on your side and a click away! Or, scroll around our virtual, hybrid, and in-person pages at your convenience. You’ll find useful blog articles and free eBooks, too!