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You Have Career Fair Questions, We Have Answers

By Career Fair Plus

You Have Career Fair Questions We Have Answers.png The responsibility of organizing a career fair can seem overwhelming. Where do you start? It's normal to have career fair questions luckily, we have answers.

What is the best time to host a career fair?

The early middle part of the semester is generally the best time for students, but be aware that other schools will also be holding career fairs. Top recruiters are in heavy demand mid-semester, so you will want to plan ahead. Late September is a popular time for Fall career fairs and late January into early February is when a lot of Spring semester fairs are held. Avoid the first week of the semester, finals week, and major holidays.

When should I contact recruiters?

Invite recruiters to your career fair at least 4 to 6 months in advance. If you are holding the event in the middle of the semester, you should send "save the date" announcements at least 8 months before to get on the company calendar.

What should I look for in a venue?

Look for a venue that will easily accommodate the size of the crowd you are expecting. Convenience is important for both students and the recruiters. On or close to campus is ideal for students with limited time between classes. Ensure that plenty of parking is available within easy walking distance for company recruiters. The venue should have plenty of restrooms, quiet areas for interviews, and dependable climate control.

How far in advance should I start marketing?

This is probably the most important of the career fair questions. At a minimum your career fair should appear on your college calendar by the beginning of the semester it is scheduled. Posting at the beginning of the academic year in September is ideal. Active marketing through posters, Facebook announcements, and the school newspaper should start at least six weeks before the career fair. This will give students enough time to arrange their schedules and prepare their resumes.

What job roles do I need to assign?

It takes several people to host a successful career fair. The roles you need to assign include responsibility for:

  • Marketing
  • Logistics
  • Recruiter Management
  • Day of Staff and Volunteers
  • Graphic Design
  • Registration
  • Parking
  • Maintenance

Many of these roles can be performed by student workers and volunteers.

What is Career Fair Plus?

Career Fair Plus is an easy, complete mobile solution used by nearly 200 career fair organizers to provide students the opportunity to research companies and navigate career fairs at their convenience.


Career Fair Plus has helped hundreds of colleges host successful career fairs. When it comes to career fair questions, we have the answers you need. For more information click the button below to set up a call.

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Tags: Career Fair, Hosting, career fair planning

Your Portable Guide to Hosting Virtual Recruiting Events

Your new eBook goes beyond defining virtual career fairs to reveal:

  • Who hosts virtual career events by industry and type of program.
  • Why virtual recruiting events are advantageous.
  • How to plan a stress-free virtual career fair or recruiting event.
