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Creative Benefits To Attract Young Professionals

By Nikki St. Martin

It takes more than an attractive salary to woo the top talent these days. Whereas the previous generations may have been primarily interested in earning the most money, millennials and Gen Zers have different priorities. Young professionals today are looking for workplaces that maintain a healthy work/life balance or companies that are willing to contribute to their student loan debt. In short, if HR managers want their businesses to stand out for today’s best and brightest, they need to rethink the types of perks and benefits they offer.

For example, many young jobseekers want positions that feature flexible working options such as telecommuting and varying start times. These professionals also have a deeper appreciation of their mental health than their predecessors. This means an office that offers wellness programs such as yoga can be much more appealing to them.

The fact that so many millennials are in dual-income households means they want employers who are willing to give them extended maternity and paternity leave when they start families. On the other hand, many are waiting longer to have children. In the meantime, companies that provide on-site pet care and other conveniences for their four-legged family members can have an advantage when hiring.

Times are changing, and so are the priorities of the average job candidate. To avoid being left in the dust, your business will have to reevaluate the benefits it provides. See the accompanying infographic for some more ideas you can use to hire and retain exceptional young people at your organization.


Creative Benefits Guaranteed to Attract Young Professionals from The Jacobson Group.

Author bio: Nikki St. Martin is VP of Marketing for The Jacobson Group, the premier insurance talent acquisition firm in the country. St. Martin is responsible for the ongoing marketing and branding efforts of The Jacobson Group.

Tags: Recruiting Fair, college, Recruiting

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